I am currently reading "Movements in America" by Rodger Shull... Here are some things that stood out to me:
There are no shortcuts to success in movements. True movements are built on a foundation of persistent prayer, a steadfast commitment to abiding in Jesus, and a willingness to face significant challenges.
Am I willing to face significant challenges in the pursuit of multiplying disciples?
I found the chapter “The Power of Social Networks in Movements” to be a text version of the last conversation I had with Rodger on my podcast (below). I love seeing things written out, so this chapter is a great companion/addition to that podcast episode.
A few more quotes:
Being nice and praying for people is important, but we will never find those who are interested in Jesus unless we follow His example and share the Gospel directly.
Only the Spirit can start a movement, so the best thing to do is seek Him first. Tools are like sails. When the wind blows, sails can power a boat where it needs to go. When there is no wind, it doesn’t matter how many sails you have raised.
As you step out to pursue movements, remember that this is a journey, not a destination. There will be challenges, setbacks, and moments of doubt.
You can find Movements in America on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DNVN3YBP/ I highly encourage you to read it and apply it!